
in Fonts / Display Fonts

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La familia tipográfica TRIUNFO diseñada junto a Manuel Corradine en CorradineFonts, tiene varios pesos que permiten una diversidad maravillosa a la hora de usarla ademas su versatilidad aumenta en el momento que descubres que sus letras incluyen variedad de ancho lo cual la hace única y especial.

The typeface family TRIUNFO designed feat Manuel Corradine in CorradineFonts,has several weights that allow a wonderful diversity when it is used and its versatility increases when you discover that its letters include variety of width which makes it unique and special.

Files included:

* Triunfo-DEMO
* Triunfo Heavy Rustik
* Triunfo Heavy
* Triunfo Narrow Rustik
* Triunfo Narrow
* Triunfo Thin Ultracond Rustik
* Triunfo Thin Ultracond
* Triunfo Black Rustik
* Triunfo Black
* Triunfo DemiBold Narrow Rustik
* Triunfo DemiBold Narrow
* TriunfoThin Condensed Rustik
* TriunfoThin Condensed
* Triunfo Bold Rustik
* Triunfo Bold
* Triunfo Bold Condensed Rustik
* Triunfo Bold Condensed
* Triunfo Bold Cn Narrow Rustik
* Triunfo Bold Cn Narrow
* Triunfo Black Condensed Rustik
* Triunfo Black Condensed
* Triunfo Demibold Rustik
* Triunfo Demibold
* Triunfo Light Ultracond Rustik
* Triunfo Light Ultracond
* Triunfo Regular Rustik
* Triunfo Regular
* Triunfo DemiBold Condensed Rustik
* Triunfo DemiBold Condensed
* TriunfoThin Narrow Rustik
* TriunfoThin Narrow
* Triunfo Heavy Condensed Rustik
* Triunfo Heavy Condensed
* Triunfo Light Narrow Rustik
* Triunfo Light Narrow
* Triunfo Light Rustik
* Triunfo Light
* Triunfo Light Condensed Rustik
* Triunfo Light Condensed
* Triunfo Regular Condensed Rustik
* Triunfo Regular Condensed
* Triunfo Thin Rustik
* Triunfo Thin

Check out the Behance link for the complete presentation:

Need help?
If you need help or advice, please contact me by e-mail "[email protected]"

Hope you enjoy and thanks for stopping by best regards & Thank you for your

File Type: OTF, PDF
File Size: 2.87 MB