Bookish, a comfortable slab serif

in Fonts / Slab Serif Fonts

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This all started with a love for Jenson. Plus, I wanted a readable slab serif for my book design work in InDesign. This works very well.

I know there're hundreds of variations a that theme. But, that is where I began, several years ago. How far it came, as usual, as I wandered through the vagaries of font design, is not unusual. If you've read any of my font design books, you know my design processes are quite loose and spontaneous.

I wanted the general feel of a favorite old font, but softer, easier, and more comfortable. I built this family on the same vertical metrics as my Librum Publishing Group. I used the metrics because that shows my current taste in fonts. It reads well as a text font—especially at larger sizes.

This family does work with the Librum group—as a header companion to Librum and LibrumE, instead of Librum Sans. It's been working very effectively for that.
File Type: OTF, TTF
File Size: 447.09 KB