Bunny Monogram

in Graphics / Illustrations

203 1
bunny monogram svg, easter rabbit svg, bunny silhouette svg, bunny ears monogram svg, easter bunny monogram svg, bunny name svg

Included are 2 SVG, 2 DXF, and 2 EPS files that are ready for your cutting machine. You will also receive 4 PNG files that are ideal for using on the web. Also included is 1 JPG file of the striped background. Please note: monogram letters are not included but are available for purchase: https://creativemarket.com/SavanasDesign/1373167-Circle-Monogram-Font Create darling Easter invitations, bunny wall art, Easter scrapbook pages, rabbit art, and so much more!

high-res files designed at 300dpi. Please enjoy!!!

PERFECT FOR Easter, scrapbooking, nursery, baby shower, parties, graphic design, events, classroom activities, promotions, invitations, banners, stickers, cards, flyers, magnets, books, e-books, magazines, posters, package design, programs, business cards, postcards, brochures, scrapbooking, printables, logos, branding, advertising, media, social media, e-mail design, web design, ux design, accessories, home décor, textile design, jewelry, mixed media & much more!

11 Total Files (in 1 ZIP file):
- 2 SVG files
- 2 EPS files
- 2 DXF files
- 4 PNG files - on transparent background
- 1 JPG file - striped background

Dimensions are approximately 12in x 12in.
Compatible with: Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, AutoCAD
File Type: PNG, SVG, EPS, DXF, JPG
File Size: 3.68 MB
Dimensions: 12 x 12 in