8900 BIG HAMSTER Icons Library

in Icons / Car Dashboard Icons

224 1
**BIG HAMSTER Icons Library** is a HUGE collection which includes **8900 icons - 445 categories**.

**Inside this pack you will find the following 445 categories:** *1 september knowledge, 15 oct sweetest day USA, 2017 year of the rooster, 3d printer, action sport camera, advertising, agriculture, America, amusement park, analysis, Ancient Rome, animals hipsters, animation, april fools day, Australia, Austria, aviation desasters, awards and trophies, baby, baby food, bags, bakery products, balance, barbershop hairdresser for men, Barcelona, basketball, BBQ, Beijing, bicycle, bike parts, biking, birds, birthday, black friday, boat, bolts, book, bots, box, boxing, brain, brainstorm, Buddhism, building materials, bushcraft, business, business communications, business people conflict, businesswoman, calendar, California, camera and equipment, Canada, car accident, car dashboard, car insurance, car parts, car service, cardiology, care of the disabled, career ladder, carnival, casino, cats, chefs hats, chemistry, chess, China, Chinese New Year, Christmas discounts, Cinco de Mayo, cinema, circus, city, cleaning, clothes, cloud, cloud data technology, coffee, cold steel arms, college, columbus day, computer game, computing, confetti, construction, contact us, contraceptive methods, coworking, creative process, creative team, credit, crime, cruise, cups, currency exchange, customer service, cute birds, cyber monday, dancing, delivery, deportation, design, dessert, different buildings and houses, digital protection, dismissal, distance education, diving, doctors, documents and files, domestic animals, donation, drink, drone, Dubai, eco car, ecology, e-commerce, education, Egypt, electronic devices, electronic funds transfers, e-mail, energy, England, epidemic, extreme sports, family, fashion, fast food, feminine hygiene, figure skating, file formats, file management, files and folders, film, finance, financial report, fingerprint, fire service, fire weapon, fireworks, firs, fishing, flower, flower and gardening, food, football, formats, France, fruits and vegetables, furniture, future technology, game, garbage, gestures, gift cards, glass, global business, green technology, Groundhog day, gynecology, hairdresser, halloween, handmade, Hanukkah, hats, healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, heavy and power industry, hiking, hipster, hobbies, Hollywood, home appliances, home repair, homophobia, Hong Kong, horoscope, hotel, human resources, hygiene, ice cream, idea, immigration, insects, international tea day, internet marketing, investments, Ireland, Italy, jewelry, jurisprudence, kitchen, kitchen utensils, kite, knight and war, Kuwait, labor day, laundry, laundry symbols, lifeguard bodyguard, lifeguard, lighting, loading, lock, Luxembourg, luxury, magic tricks, mammals, manicure, March 8, mardi gras, marine animals, medicine, mens footwear, merry christmas, messenger interface, meter, Mexico, Miami, military equipment, milk, MLM, mobile navigations, mothers day, mountain bike, music, musical instruments, navigation, Netherland, neurology, news, North Korea, Norway, notifications, nuclear weapon, office, offshore, ophthalmology, organisms, origami birds, orthopedics, package, packaging, paintball, paper, Paris, parkour, partnership, party, pediatrics, pensioners happy, pensioners sad, people avatars, perfume, photo, photo and camera functions, picnic, pirate sites, pirates, pizza, planet with money, plastic surgery, police, positive growth, pregnancy, premium luxury services, premium quality, printer, printing, productivity improvement, professions, programming, promotion, psychiatry, public speech, public transportation, Qatar, ramadan, raw food diet, real estate, restaurant, retirement savings, revolution, robotic surgery, robots, rock climbing, rope and bungee jumping, Rosh Hashanah, rowing, sailing, sale, Santa Claus, Santa hat, scales, school, science, screws, sea, sea port, search engine optimization, security, self-driving car, set gifts, sewing, ships and boats, shipwreck, shopping, skateboard, skiing, slot machine, smart city, smart house, smartphone interface, snorkelling, snowboard, snowflakes, snowmen, social network, South Korea, space, Spain, spamming, speech bubble, speedometer, sport, sports supplements, startup, stationery, stomatology, stop violence, store, sun, sunglasses, surfing, surgery, sushi, Sweden, swimming, Switzerland, tavern, tax, taxi, tea, technology, tennis, terrorism, thanksgiving day, time management, tools, tourism, toys, toys on the Christmas tree, transport, United Arab Emirates, university, user, valentines day, veterinary, vikings, virtual reality, war, warehouse logistics, water, water consumption, water sports, weather, web operation, wedding, weighing, wind, windsurfing, womens shoes, world currency symbols, world day of computer graphics, world food, world religions, world teachers day, yoga, zika virus.*


- Fully editable vector file saved as EPS10 (for image editing - use the Adobe Illustrator program).
- In .eps file is expanded.

**Ready for any project:**
- Web Fonts added (EOT, TTF, WOFF)
- Ready to use for iOS apps: 60px-@2x, 90px-@3x
- Ready to use for Android apps: 24px-mdpi, 36px-hdpi, 48px-xhdp, 72px-xxhdpi, 96px-xxxhdpi

**Not Pixel Perfect**

**This file is too large, so inside this pack you will find Dropbox link. It is 1.39 Gb.**

Thanks for you attention and have a nice day!


**Free update 30 November 2016:**

- **15 categories:** *basketball, cardiology, contact us, drone, figure skating, fire service, flower, hiking, mardi gras, rope and bungee jumping, snorkelling, speech bubble, swimming, tennis, windsurfing.*


**Free update 06 December 2016:**

- **117 categories:** *1 september knowledge, action sport camera, amusement park, Ancient Rome, animation, april fool's day, Australia, Austria, baby food, baby, bags, bakery products, Beijing, book, brain, businesswoman, Canada, car dashboard, car insurance, carnival , chef's hats, chess, Cinco de Mayo, cloud data technology, cloud, columbus day, contraceptive methods, customer service, dancing, design, dessert, different buildings and houses, doctors, e-commerce, eco car, electronic devices, energy, extreme sports, feminine hygiene, files and folders, financial report, formats, fruits and vegetables, future technology, gestures, Groundhog day, gynecology, handmade, hats, healthy lifestyle, heavy and power industry, homophobia, Hong Kong, Ireland, kitchen utensils, Kuwait, labor day, lighting, loading, Luxembourg, March 8, men's footwear, messenger interface, meter, mother's day, Netherland, neurology, Norway, notifications, ophthalmology, Paris, party, pediatrics, people avatars, perfume, photo, picnic, planet with money, plastic surgery, police, premium luxury services, premium quality, promotion, psychiatry, public transportation, Qatar, raw food diet, real estate, robotic surgery, robots, Rosh Hashanah, school, sea port, search engine optimization, self-driving car, ships and boats, skiing, smart city, smart house, smartphone interface, speedometer, stationery, stop violence, sunglasses, surgery, Sweden, Switzerland, taxi, tea, tools, vikings, virtual reality, weather, women's shoes, world currency symbols, world religions, zika virus.*


**Free update 11 January 2017:**

- **134 categories:** *3d printer, 15 oct sweetest day USA, 2017 year of the rooster, advertising, agriculture, autumn, awards and trophies, barbershop (hairdresser for men), Barcelona, bicycle, biking, bike parts, birthday, black friday, boat, bots, building materials, bushcraft, business, calendar, camera and equipment, casino, Christmas discounts, cinema, city, coffee, computer game, construction, crime, cyber monday, delivery, diet, documents and files, domestic animals, Dubai, e-mail, e-money, Easter, ecology, education, family, fashion, fast food, file management, fireworks, firs, food, football, game, garbage, glass, cups, hairdresser, halloween, hipster, hobbies, home appliances, home repair, hygiene, ice cream, idea, international tea day, internet marketing, invention, jewelry, jurisprudence, laundry, laundry symbols, lifeguard bodyguard, lifeguard, luxury, magic tricks, mammals, marine animals, medicine, Merry Christmas, milk, mobile navigations, music 2, musical instruments, navigation, news, office, offshore, oil and gas, organisms, origami birds, package, packaging, paper, photo and camera functions, pizza, printer, printing, productivity improvement, professions, programming, Ramadan, restaurant, Santa Claus, Santa hat, scales, weighing, balance, science, screws, bolts, sea, set gifts, shopping, Singapore, slot machine, snowflakes, snowmen, social network, Spain, sport, sports supplements, stomatology, store, sushi, tavern, technology, thanksgiving day, tourism, toys, toys on the Christmas tree, transport, United Arab Emirates, university, college, user, Valentine's Day, veterinary, wind, windsurfing , world day of computer graphics, world food, world teachers' day, car parts, confetti, cute birds.*
File Size: 0.3
Vector: Yes
Layered: Yes
Compatible with: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop