Urban Texture vol. 1

in Graphics / Textures

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Welcome to the Urban Textures vol. 1 Image Bundle

This purchase includes FIFTEEN high resolution JPEG (300DPI) file, cropped 21x21cm. It can be used as a hero image for your website, a featured image, an ad banner, or be used as a marketing tool to promote your work, photos, titles, or anything else for your business. It is minimalist, clean, modern and affordable.


When you purchase an item from Digital Infusion you agree to a non-exclusive limited use license that allows for personal or professional use only of the item. You may crop the image and overlay the image with your own text or product images, but you may NOT alter, edit or manipulate the image. Once you have added your product or image to the styled Photograph you (or anyone) may share it on social media for promotional purposes. The original image cannot be shared.

Digital Infusion remains the sole, exclusive owner and holder of the copyright for the image and you may not sell, lease, loan, transfer, share or give the image to a third-party to use in any way. Thank you!

Styling and photography: Razvan Dumitrasconiu for Digital Infusion. Like&Share: https://facebook.com/digital.infusion
File Type: JPG
File Size: 87.36 MB
Dimensions: 2480 x 2480 px
DPI: 300