Styled Stock Photo, Vintage Stamps

in Templates / Mockup Templates

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Stock photos for your blog, website, or product listings! Empty space in the center of the image for your text, logo, or graphic overlay. Customizable for web use only.

2000 x 1333 pixels, 72 dpi JPG file available for download upon purchase of this listing.

Image copyright Anna Delores Photography. May not be duplicated or resold without express permission. Purchase of this listing includes a non-exclusive limited use license; you may use the image for personal or professional use in the normal course of your business. You may crop the image and overlay the image with text, graphics, or other images as needed for your purposes, but you may not otherwise alter, edit, or manipulate the image. Emily Reiter of Anna Delores Photography remains the sole and exclusive owner and holder of the copyright in the image and purchase of this listing does not authorize the sale, lease, loan, transfer, or distribution (free or paid) of the image, or for a third party to use the image in any way.

"Anna Delores" watermark does NOT appear on downloaded file.
File Type: JPG
File Size: 589.87 KB
Dimensions: 2000 x 1333 px
DPI: 72