Vintage World Flags collection

in Graphics / Illustrations

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Collection of **63** world flags in vintage / grunge style. Old paper, dirty canvas texture (see the 100% zoom preview image of the USA flag to verify quality). Every flag is **super high resolution** (6500 x 3900px). Vatican flag, for the fact of being a square is 4200 x 4200px.

Each flag is a separate JPG file.

**If you need a flag that is not in the collection, please contact me and for additional $9 I will create one specially for you!**

Flags in the collection (alphabetical order):

- Afghanistan
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Brazil
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Colombia
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Ecuador
- Egipt
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Kenya
- Kosovo
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Malaysia
- Netherlands
- Nigeria
- North Korea
- Norway
- Pakistan
- Paraguay
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Serbia
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Slovakia
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Ukraine
- United Arab Emirates
- Uruguay
- Vatican
- Vietnam
File Type: RAR
File Size: 665.45 MB
Dimensions: 6500 x 3900 px