Guru Able BS 4 & Angular 4 Dashboard

in Themes / HTML/CSS Themes

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**Guru Able** is made using latest **Bootstrap 4 Beta framework ** and its fully feature rich admin template. **Angular 4 ** is also comes with pure type script version.

It can be useful for every type of project backend - Main feature includes ready to use dashboards variants, widgets, complete form versions, auth pages, simple and dynamic tables for your better data organisation, vast collection of charts for your data visualisation, lots of ready to use apps and extensions.

**Guru Able** admin template is fully featured rich and most complete admin website template ever built on Bootstrap 4 framework.



- Default
- Ecommerce
- Analytics
- Project

**Page Layouts**

- Vertical
- Static layout
- Header fixed
- Compact
- Sidebar fixed
- Horizontal
- Static layout
- Header fixed
- Static with icon
- Fixed with icon
- Bottom menu
- Box layout


- Navbar
- Navbar inverse
- Navbar with elements


**Basic Components**

- Alert
- Breadcrumbs
- Button
- Box-shadow
- Accordion
- Generic class
- Tabs
- Color
- Lable Badge
- Progress bar
- Pre-loader
- List
- Tooltip and popover
- Typography
- Other

**Advance components**

- Drggable
- Grid stack
- Light box
- Modal
- Modal form
- Notifications
- Rating
- Range slider
- Slider
- Syntax-Highlighter
- Tour
- Tree view
- Nestable
- Toolbar
- X-editable

**Extra components**

- Session timeout
- Session idle timeout
- Offline


**Sticky notes**


- Font awesome
- Themify
- Simple line icon
- Ion icon
- Material design
- Ico fonts
- Weather icon
- Typicons
- Flags

**Form components**

- Form components
- Form elements addons
- Form elements advance
- Form validation

**Form Picker**

**Json Form**

- Simple form
- Clubs
- Customer form
- Profile display
- Profile edit
- Profile ready only
- Form fields
- Registration validation
- Automatic validation
- Localized login

**Form select**

**Form masking**

**Form wizard**

**Ready to use**

- Cloned elements form
- Currency form
- Booking form
- Booking multi steps form
- Comment form
- Contact form
- Job application form
- Js addtion form
- Login form
- Popup modal form
- Registration form
- Review form
- Subscrive form
- Suggestion form
- Tabs form

**Bootstrap table**

- Basic table
- Sizing table
- Border table
- Styling table


- Basic initialization
- Advance initialization
- Styling
- Ajax
- Server side
- Plug-in
- Data sources

**Data table extensions**

- Autofill
- Basic button
- Flash button
- HTML 5 data export
- Print button
- Col reorder
- Fixed columns
- Fixed header
- Key table
- Responsive
- Row recorder
- Scroller
- Select table


**Handson table**

- Appearance
- Data operation
- Rows columns
- Columns only
- Cell features
- Cell types
- Integrations
- Rows only
- Utilities

**Editable Table**


- Google chart
- Echarts
- Chartjs
- List chart
- Float chart
- Know chart
- Morris chart
- Nvd3 chart
- Peity chart
- Radial chart
- Rickshaw chart
- Sparkline chart
- C3 chart


- Google maps
- Vector maps
- Google map search API
- Location

**Landing Page**


- Login with BG
- Login with social icon
- Login social with Header and footer
- Registration BG image
- Registration social icon
- Registration with Header and footer
- Multi step registration
- Forgot password
- Lockscreen
- Modal login – Registration – Forgot password


- Error
- Comming soon
- Offline UI

**User Profile**

- Timeline
- Timeline social
- User profile
- User card


- Blog
- Blog Detail
- Blog with left sidebar
- Blog with right sidebar


- Product
- Product list
- Product edit
- Product detail
- Product card
- Credit card form


- Compose email
- Inbox
- Read mail
- Email templates


**CRM Contact**


- FB wall
- Messages


- Task list
- Task board
- Task detail
- Issue list


- To-do
- Notes


- Gallery-Grid
- Masonry Gallery
- Advance Gallery


- Simple search
- Grouping search

**Job search**

- Card view
- Job detailed
- Job find
- Job panel view


- CK-Editor
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Ace editor
- Summer note editor
- Long press editor


- Invoice
- Invoice Summary
- Invoice list

**Event calendar**

- Full calendar

**Image cropper**

**File upload**

**Change logs**

**Menu levels**

**Font Icons**

- [Font Awesome](
- [Themify](
- [Simple Line icon](
- [Ion icon](
- [Material Design](
- [Ico Fonts](
- [Typicons](


- [Bootstrap](
- [Ace-editor](
- [Animation](
- [Full Calendar](
- [Chart js](
- [Ck-Editor](
- [Count Down](
- [Data-Table](
- [Date Picker](
- [E-Charts](
- [Edit-Table](
- [File-Upload](
- [Foo-Table](
- [Form-Mask](
- [Forms-Wizard-Validation](
- [Gallery](
- [Grid Stack](
- [High lighter](
- [Image-Crop](
- [Isotope](
- [Jq Pagination](
- [Jquery-Fab](
- [Light-Box](
- [list](
- [List-Scroll](
- [Map-Google](
- [Map-Vector](
- [Max-length](
- [Modal](
- [Multi-select](
- [Notification](
- [Pricing](
- [Range-Slider](
- [Responsive-Table](
- [Search](
- [Select2](
- [Sticky](
- [Summer Note](
- [Sweet Alert](
- [Switchery](
- [Tags](
- [Task-Detail](
- [Tour](
- [Tree-View](
- [Waves](
- [Wysiwyg-Editor](
- [X-Editable](


- [unsplash](
- [Iconfinder](
- [FlatIcon](
File Size: 80.59 MB
Layout: Responsive
Columns: 12
Minimum Browser: Array