CMP Fifty - Maintenance Landing Page

in Themes / WordPress Themes / WordPress Landing Page Themes

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**CMP Fifty is a landing page ** for our free CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance plugin available for download officially via

CMP – Coming Soon & Maintenance is our free plugin to create and customize your own Coming Soon and Maintenance landing pages.

** YOU MUST INSTALL FROM CMP settings upload new Theme – Coming Soon & Maintenance plugin available free on official repository**

Best thing about CMP is that you can setup and display custom landing page to your website visitors while working on your real WordPress website and reveal it automatically, when timer expires or manually, when your work in progress is done.


*tip: reload window for different awesome photos ;-)*

Install this Theme in WP admin Settings CMP Settings Install New Theme after CMP Plugin installation.

**Fifty 2.7**

- Fixed graphic background responsive issue on some mobile devices.

**Fifty 2.6**

- Added Font Customization compatibility.

**Fifty 2.5**
- Refreshed design - possibility to choose vertical or skewed design.
- Added transparency for content background option.
- Added animated text effects.
- Added opacity animation settings after load.

**Fifty 2.1**
- CSS Color for SoundCloud Icon

**Fifty 2.0**
- Background Gradient support.

**Fifty 1.9.1**
- Fixes Internet explorer compatibility.
- Added support for local video files.

**Fifty 1.8**
- Added compatibility Video Background options - please update CPM plugin to version 1.9.0 first!

**Fifty 1.7**
- Added compatibility with CMP Plugin version 1.7.0
- Updated style.css with to resolve few design bugs

**CMP Fifty features**
- Set Slider - slides can be from custom photos or Unsplash media
- Set Slider effects Slide/Fade and Autostart option
- Set custom logo
- Set custom texts
- Set custom colors
- Set custom fonts (any Google font)
- Set custom background, default or choose from thousands of hi-res photos from
- Display custom subscribe form or integrate with any avaiable subscribe plugin (MailChimp, etc)

CMP plugin also includes free customizable Landing Pages:

- Works with any WordPress Theme
- Responsive and Retina ready
- Works on all devices
- Setup custom Social Icons
- Customize Logo, Fonts and Colors
- Subscribe form works with any 3rd party plugin(Mailchimp, etc)
- Custom Subscribe form to store emails in custom database with export to csv
- Select and Display random beautiful images from Unsplash source with built-in search API or use custom photos
- Customize SEO meta tags to search engines
- Set response code to search engines
- Insert Google Analytics Code
- Insert Custom CSS
- Uses HTML5 & CSS3
- Extandable by downloadable Themes.
- Translation Ready

- Install from WordPress Plugin Dashboard
- Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
- Search for 'Coming Soon & Maintenance by Niteothemes'
- Click 'Install Now'
- Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
- To install downloaded Premium theme click Settings-CMP Settings and Install new Theme via "Install New Theme" tab.

**Our Other Products**
- CMP Hardwork Premium:
- CMP Frame:
- Porto:
- Simplefolio:
- Tessa:
- ArtistICO:
- Xfolio:
- Woody:
- Nessa:
File Type: PHP, PNG, JPG, CSS, JS
File Size: 506.98 KB
Layout: Responsive
Columns: 1
Minimum Browser: Array