Portfolio eCommerce Genesis theme Vi

in Themes / WordPress Themes / WordPress Photography Themes

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Vivien is a beauty and aesthetic WordPress theme that combines two cool trends – parallax scrolling sections and carousel slider. It is designed to help you to build a stunning parallax scrolling site with ease to showcase your work and services responsively on a single page.

This wordpress theme based on Genesis Framework is packed with all the required features, options, as well as homepage convenient sections for showing off blog entries, products, portfolio. , perfect for photographers, women in blogging and business.

Use it as a website, portfolio, ecommerce, blog or a combination and change fonts, colors and style to match your brand.

NOTE: This theme is for self-hosted WordPress.org sites only. It requires the Genesis Framework -- not included - get it at: https://bit.ly/2S5jpCu

=== **Live Demo** ===


=== **You will receive** ===

* Vivien Genesis Child Theme.
* Instructions detailed and easy on how to install the template.
* One Click Import Demo content for easy configuration with posts, pages, photos,.. and widgets.
* FREE Image profile frame and "Pin it button" (.psd and .png format).

=== **Feature list** ===

* Mobile Ready Design.
* Front Page Template with flexible widgetized areas.
* 4 Parallax Image backgrounds to upload.
* Carousel slider or parallax featured image (optional).
* Instagram landing page.
* Lots of styling options : custom colors, more than 350 Google Fonts and logo.
* Live theme customizer - see your changes before going live.
* Filterable portfolio and gallery to display your work (images, videos,..) in 2, 3 or 4 columns.
* Ability to display your category posts in grid layout (3, 4 or 6 columns).
* Blog page with multiple layout options; 2 o 3 rows, pots scerpt + featured image or full posts.
* 3 page layouts (FullWidth + Content/Sidebar + Sidebar/Contact).
* Widget area below post entries for subscription, text, ads,..
* MailChimp, Awber, ConvertKit,.. newsletter plugin compatible.
* Posibility to use the blog format instead of widgetized home page.
* Feature goodies: Pricing table, Call to Action Boxes, Services boxes, Listings, Testimonials,...
* Woocommerce ready (eCommerce). Build your own shop.
* 3 Footers.
* Preloader, animation that plays when page is loading resources.
* Sticky Navigation on scroll and "back to top" button.
* Widget area below post entries for subscription, text, ads,..
* Retina quality logo.
* SEO optimized.
* HTML5 Markup.

For more details, check out pre sale questions here: https://lovelyconfetti.com/faqs/

=== **Interested to see how others use my themes?** ===


=== **Note** ===

Once downloaded, you must unzip the package to access support information as well as the theme files and images.Demo content for easy configuration with posts, pages, photos,..
File Type: PSD, ZIP, PNG, PDF, XML
File Size: 13.35 MB
Layout: Responsive
Columns: 1
Minimum Browser: Array