RM Gorgeous Oil

in Add-Ons / Photoshop Brushes

278 10
RM Gorgeous Oilâ„¢ (painting brushes) 2018 - for Photoshop CS5+ CC+

Professional realistic oil brushes simulation for PHOTOSHOP.
This is the new generation (Version 7.0) of our digital emulated natural tools for Photoshop CS5+ and CC+.

In this pack you will get 100+ artistic oil brushes emulation for a nice oil-style painting.
Compact and well-combined set will give you the opportunity to try your hand with oil painting right now using just a stylus.
Rich wide-range dynamics such as Pressure and Tilt will let you full control, and different types of brushes (bristle, soft, rectangle, fine) also supplemented by special mix brushes that will allow you to mix colors different technique styles (paint mover, soft and hard, bristles and color smoothing processing). All above, will let you to feel oil painting like real just with your favorite Photoshop CS5+ CC+ and nothing more soft.

System requirements:
- Adobe Photoshop CS5 and above, (CS6 works but not recomended, use CS5 or CC line instead)
- Wacom (or any pressure sensitive) Stylus! (Tilt sensitive Wacomp support is very Recommended)

Features of this art pack:

First of all its not just realistic clean look for strokes, but also maximum possible comfort and intuitive hand adaptation like you feel with real qualitive art tools. You can be shure that you get unique set and cannot reach these results with any other brush packs. Also you do not need no additional software for sketching and you can work inside powerful photoshop 16 bit color depth engine. (The Oldest system tested for adequate(4 star) performance: Intel Core 2 Duo 2,6 GHz, 2GB Ram. Windows XP, Photoshop CS4.) (Note: Photoshop CS6 not recomended please use CS5 or CC line instead) Full functional modern stylus Tools for Photoshop its not a dream.

Power up you Photoshop now!

Draw in PS... right now!
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop
File Type: TPL, ABR, PSD, ACO
File Size: 243.32 MB