AI CS5 graphic styles Extragold

in Add-Ons / Photoshop Layer Styles

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**Adobe Illustrator CS6 + Graphic Styles**

You can apply the same styles to any of you own fonts or objects. Available for AI CS5 +. The styles initially designed for 100 pt font size. To scale style you should check/uncheck “Scale Strokes & Effects” in the “PreferencesGeneral”.

If you are working with an Adobe Illustrator you definitely should know what is a graphic style. This is "must have" feature! Styles are may be applied to any flat shape but the styles are designed especially to use with fonts. This set contains 54 fine adjusted graphic styles. Tested on wide amount of fonts.

**About graphic styles**

A graphic style is a set of reusable appearance attributes. Graphic styles allow you to quickly change the look of an object; for example, you can change its fill and stroke color, alter its transparency, and apply effects in one step. All the changes you apply with graphic styles are completely reversible.

You can apply graphic styles to objects, groups, and layers. When you apply a graphic style to a group or layer, every object in the group or layer takes on the attributes of the graphic style. For example, assume you have a graphic style that consists of 50% opacity. If you apply the graphic style to a layer, all objects in or added to that layer will appear 50% opaque. However, if you move an object out of the layer, the object’s appearance reverts to its previous opacity.

For a video on using the Appearance panel and the Graphics Styles panel, see .

**Quick usage:**
1. Open: Window Graphic Styles palette (if not opened).
2. Type any phrase. Let's say Arial font 100pt (You may change font later).
3. Select the text object with Selection Tool (V). This is important!
4. Click on a style in the Graphic Styles palette.
5. Adjust or replace Font, size. Transform... All you want.
Compatible with: Adobe Illustrator
File Type: JPG, AIT, PDF, AI
File Size: 35.4 MB