Hand-Drawn Logo Overlays

in Add-Ons / Photoshop Layer Styles

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This set of logo overlays was created to allow you to brand your photos very easily. If you want to share your photos through social media or on your blog but you’re concerned about the images being stolen or used without your permission, adding a logo overlay is a great way to brand the photo and protect yourself.

The set includes 10 different overlays in .psd format. They can be used in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. All of the fonts used are free for download, and a fonts.txt file is included in the download with links to the pages where you can download each font. Each overlay uses text and vector shapes, so they can be re-sized as needed with no loss in quality.
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop
File Type: PSD, PDF
File Size: 2.36 MB