OTF color font “Mexifont”

in Fonts / Colorful Fonts

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OTF color font “Mexifont”
Mexican National flag color creative letters from A to Z, spanish national language symbols.
Alphabet Mexico with capital letters, numbers, punctuation mark.
You can use this font for design quotes prints on t-shirts, sport souvenirs, mexican food menu and other.

OpenType-SVG Font was designed with Fontself Maker in Illustrator CC. Contains only uppercase letters and digits.
WARNING Color fonts are pretty new technology - they currently show up in Photoshop CC 2017+, Illustrator CC 2018 and some Mac apps. Learn more about color font support on third-party apps here: https://www.colorfonts.wtf/

You will get:
- Mexifont color font
- vector file with all color signs eps10
- jpg preview file

Please NOTE - Mock ups and graphics are NOT included.

I’d like to see what you will create with my elements. If you have some requests or questions, do not hesitate to drop me a message. I'll be happy to help you.
File Type: EPS, JPG, OTF
File Size: 2.79
Vector: Yes