Seller Pro - Genesis + WooCommerce

in Themes / WordPress Themes / WordPress Business Themes

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Seller Pro theme has been thoughtfully designed to help you increase sales and generate new leads through your website. This Genesis child theme is sleek and modern, and is perfect for your next business and eCommerce website.


**See Live Demo**

**See Mobile Responsiveness**


**Why Genesis?**

The Seller Pro child theme is a fancy suit that covers the Genesis theme. The Genesis theme is a solid code framework built and maintained by StudioPress and WP Engine. With the Genesis Framework, you will have a solid website that lasts many years. We choose Genesis because we want your site to be the best.

**Publish Your Content With Ease**

Using WordPress’ new Gutenberg editor and content blocks, you will be able to quickly and effectively communicate your products and services to your target audience. Seller Pro theme has been carefully crafted to work well with the new Gutenberg editor. Set up eye-catching pages using Gutenberg blocks.

**Genesis’ New Onboarding Feature**

Use Genesis’ new onboarding feature to get up and running in minutes. Start customizing your new site with just a few clicks of the mouse.

**Included Functionality**

The Seller Pro theme includes the following features:

- accessibility ready
- eCommerce
- HTML5 markup
- landing page
- pricing page
- mobile responsive
- portfolio
- documentation plugin support
- theme customizer
- theme options
- translation ready
- gutenberg optimized
- layout options
- step-by-step instructions

**Solid Support**

I am an experienced WordPress developer from Texas and ready to quickly answer your questions.
Licenses Offered: GPL 2.0
File Type: PHP, JPG, CSS, JS, PNG
File Size: 2.02
Hi DPI Ready: Yes
Layout: Responsive