Campoal - Petition Platform Theme

in Themes / WordPress Themes / WordPress Non-Profit Themes

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**Live Demo:**

**Campoal is a Complete WordPress Theme used to create petition platform, foundation and non-profit website where anyone can be start a social movement, collect supporters and fundraising to change something in society.** With many special features are designed to build a dedicated platform for social movements and fundraising campaigns such as sign petition features are deep integrated with Facebook to share at the same time when signing and save email into SendinBlue list to carry out marketing campaigns. It is also integrated with Give plugin - A highest rated plugin to build Donation and Fundraising platform with lots of payment gateways. One dashboard for each campaign to synthesize, analyze and control the campaign by charts and can export csv file with list of detail supporters. Account for the legislator, decision makers so they can respond directly to the petition. Users can follow topics that interest them and it will be displayed on Newsfeed tab and a trending tab showing the campaigns that the community is interested. Of course, the themes have intuitive design and responsive to display well on all devices, especially on smartphone.

- Username: demo
- Passoword: demo


- URL:
- User: demo
- Password: demo

**Support Desk:**

**Core Features**
**Submit Campaign**
Campaign starter page is designed for users quickly and easily
to start their petition in four steps with decision makers search box,
Google Place Autocomplete, drag & drop image upload and video embed.

**Sign Petition**
Users support the recommendation by writing a reason
and clicking the sign button, they can choose to display the name
or sign it as anonymous, choose to receive the update email
for the campaign or not.

After the user has signed a successful registration, a pop-up
will be activated to suggest users to share the campaign
and contribute to the campaign, at the same time
a signature confirmation email is sent to them.

**Contribute & Donate**
Campaign owners can set up donations to receive donations from supporters,
after the campaign to be ends, they can submit a withdrawal request
to receive their money via PayPal, Payoneer or Bank Trasfer .Supporters can donate for the campaigns via a lot of Payment Gateway
by way use Give Add-On like Stripe, Paypal,, Paytm, 2Checkout,...

**Analytics Dashboard**
The campaign owner can track how many people signed today
to support the petition. Know who they are, what their gender is,
where they come from and how old they are.

**Multi Authors**
Campaign owner can set users in their team as administrator of campaign
by username or email, allow more people have permission to control campaign,
add new updates and download signatures from dashboard.

**Campaign Updater**
Campaign owners can post up-to-date articles on the campaign's situation
to supporters such as articles, changes, supporter goals and announcements.

**Decision Maker**
Decision makers at the highest levels of government and business
can switch to type of account for them and posts a public response
directly on the petition for peition starter.

**Export Signatures**
The petition owner can be export the infomations of supporters
as a CSV or PDF file to submit for the decision makers.

**Email Automation**
SendinBlue is deeply integrated with the Campoal theme.
When a campaign is launched, an email list is created automatically on
SendinBlue and then supporters sign the petition, their email will be
saved to that email list.

When add a new update of campaign, an email campaign on SendinBlue
will be automatically created with the content of update and mapped to
email lists that email campaign can send immediately or schedule.

**Bitly URL Shorten**
On each published campaign, a shortened URL will be
automatically generated on your Bitly account based on the API
you configure on Campoal Options. You can change the domain name
you want on Bitly’s dashboard eg.

**Donor Badget**
When a user makes a donation to the campaigns and
reaches a donation amount, a badge will show up on their avatar
as a tribute to their contributions for community.

**User Dashboard**
With the dashboard, you can manage your campaigns, topics and users
you are following, view the petitions has signed, manage your contributions
and transactions of supporters from your campaigns.
Update your financial information and make a withdrawal request.

**Smart Newsfeed**
Once the user has logged in, the homepage will be redirected to
the newsfeed, in here will display the campaigns of the users and topics
they have followed.

**Earn Money**
You can set service fees and transaction fees for each donation from
supporters to campaigns. This amount will be deducted from
the withdrawal of campaigns starters.

**Social Login**
Facebook and Google are integrated with theme to sign in via their
social account with just one click, improve user experience,
and increase the engagement of new users.

**Live Search Result**
Get search results instantly while you are typing a query on
the search box. You can also filter search results with
just one click with a lot of search filter conditions.

**WooCommerce Compatible**
Build your shop easily with integrated WooCommerce support,
the most pupular eCommerce plugin. Easily configure your shop catelog
and product pages with additional theme features.

**AJAX Comment**
The comment system on Campoal was developed separately
instead of using the default WordPress comment. Your comment
is displayed immediately when you press the enter button
instead of going crazy when waiting for reload page.

**Trending Campaign**
We have developed a complex algorithm to sort campaigns base on
number of supporters over a period of time that you can set it in Campoal
Options, it is displayed the most of campagin people support by the days.

**Drag & Drop Builder**
21 Custom Visual Composer modules to assist you in laying out
your pages in mare minutes along with more than dozen
other helpful features and functions.

**Scale Up**
We're build the theme to scale. Campoal is used by
the largest social movement website in French. Live websites with
millions of page views monthly are powered by Campoal.

**View Counter**
Knowing how many people view campaigns and posts, it shows when hovering over an image.

**Auto Increase Goal**
When the number of supporters reaches campaign’s goal, the goal will automatically increase base on the rate setup by campaign owner.

Bookmark the campaigns you are interested in and view it at another time you want.

**Lazy Load**
With lazy loading, image are created with placeholder image which is only replaced with actual content when the user needs it.

**AJAX Page**
Go to new web page without reloading the page, it gives better performance and feels more comfortable than reloading the entire web.

**Follow System**
Follow the topics and users you like. The user's campaigns or topics you following will show on your newsfeed.

**One Click Demo Import**
No need to spend time setting up your site. Just one click and wait a few minutes to download the demo and you have a complete website.

**Easy Customization**
Change colors by the style you want, choose more than 700+ fonts
from Google Fonts, adjust header styles, customize email templates
and more than 250+ different options on the custom panel.

**Responsive Design**
Responsive Web Design is about using HTML and CSS to
automatically resize, hide, shrink, or enlarge, a website, to make it
look good on all devices included desktops, tablets, and phones.

**Mobile Friendly**
Look like mobile first design, all pages are optimized to look great on
mobile screens with draw menu, sign petition bottom sidebar
and a lot of other custom for small screens.

**Translation Ready**
There's a .pot file, included with the theme, that allows you to use
POEdit or Loco Translate to easily translate our theme into your native language.

**List Features**
- Responsive design
- Based on Semantic UI
- Retina ready
- Cross-browser compatible
- Valid HTML5 markup
- Unique CSS3 animations
- Front-end create petition
- Front-end edit petition
- Front-end add update on petition
- Add Bookmark petition
- Campain analytics
- Raise funds by Give plugin
- Export supporters as CSV
- Search suggestion real-time
- Advanced petition filter
- Login with Facebook and Google accounts
- Auto load more on page navigation
- Video in page header
- Custom homepage slideshow
- Set blog post as featured
- Set featured victory petition
- Define user is Decision Maker
- Add, remove, approve Decision Maker
- Unlimited petition categories and topics
- Change sidebar position
- Set number of petitions per page
- Set number of updates on petition page
- Set number of comment on single page
- Show similar petitions on petition page
- Show related articles on blog post
- Set contact details for contact page
- Set footer copyright text
- Set homepage header caption with call to action button
- Set homepage spotlight area
- Hidden slideshow, spotlight after login
- Add testimonials
- Custom Colors
- Custom Typography
- Useful shortcodes
- Container
- Divider
- Button
- Segment
- Spaces
- Parallax
- Grid & Column
- Infomation
- Team
- Testimonials
- Recent Petition
- Featured Petition
- Recent Victory Petition
- Featured Victory Petiton
- Recent blog post
- Featured blog post
- Category

- Custom Widgets
- Campoal Contact
- Campoal Recently
- Campoal Featured
- Campoal Post Recently
- Campoal Post Featured
- Campoal WP Social Networks
- Campoal WP Topic Cards

- Custom Page Templates
- Contact Page
- Submit Petition
- Edit Petition
- Add Update
- My Petition
- Petition Bookmarked
- Petition Signed
- Petition Search Result
- User Account
- Dashboard Petition
File Type: XML, PNG, ZIP, HTML
File Size: 123.4
Hi DPI Ready: Yes
Layout: Responsive
Columns: 2
Minimum Browser: Safari, Chrome, Opera, Firefox