Bootstrap 4 Wedding Website Template

in Templates / Website Templates

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## Product Overview

Milk&Cake is a clean, minimal, & sweet wedding theme for Bootstrap 4.

We came up with Milk&Cake to save you time; it's a great shortcut for creating clean, beautiful and responsive Bootstrap prototypes and websites. We have documented the HTML throughly - every section, every component - so you can build and edit the template with ease and speed. We sprinkled Milk&Cake with enough CSS and JS to make it interesting, yet still light.

### Features

* HTML files with full template; a home page, a blog index page, and a blog post page.
* SaSS/CSS files, fully documented
* Bootstrap 4 the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
* Fontawesome free-to-use vector icons embedded in a webfont for easy use in your user interfaces, whether it be on the web or in a native application
* Jump.js provides smooth scrolling.
* AOS to animate on scroll
* All images used with their credits
* Compiled bundles for CSS and Javascript to improve loading performance

## Usage

There are several different ways to use Milk&Cake:

1. Add your own content to one of the HTML templates directly and you are ready to go for a static website.
2. Use the existing HTML and bootstrap components as a starting point to build your own pages while reusing the stylesheet and script bundles.
3. Modify the style/script sources, enable - or remove - more bootstrap modules, and add your own content to build a custom version of Milk&Cake.

Please be aware, this template will **not** work on Wordpress.
Licenses Offered: Standard & Extended
File Type: JS, HTML, CSS
File Size: 1.29
Layout: Responsive
Compatible with: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS