A Seller's Guide To Creative Market

in Templates / Magazine Templates

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The Seller’s Guide is an informative E-book detailing the practical steps of how I created a six figure passive income in under a year by selling digital products. This is the only Creative Market specific guide and it’s full of simple tips and observations that will help you turn your graphic design skills into sell-able products. I have also thrown in quotes and tips from some of the best selling designers on the marketplace.

Invest $9 in your business and buy this book. Turn your side hustle into a full time passive income!

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"When I first started on creative market, i knew that I wanted to sell products as a passive income but had no idea where to start. I knew graphic design but i didn’t know how to turn my designs into sell-able/editable products. Through reading every tip online and lots of trial and error, I have learned the ins and outs of selling products"

On pricing
“ A Product that you sell for $15 if only purchased once per week, will make $7800 over the next 10 years! Client work can’t compete with that. Now imagine if you quit your day job and (like me) make 50 products!”

On preview images
"If they are reading the text then they are seriously considering purchasing. Time to seal the deal! Sell a story, people love stories. E.g. My grandpa gave me a newspaper he kept from world war 2. The text was a beautiful serif font but the wrinkles in the paper had given it the most perfect texture. I based my font of this newspaper and have re-created the texture to the finest detail. Emotional connection = sales. Marketing 101. Then re-tell all the features and explain exactly what file types they are getting. Lastly mention that you can quickly answer and questions they have once purchased. Another great thing to do is add a link from your best selling product to your other products. E.g. if you like this, then you will love my......(Add link)."

Any questions? Just ask!
File Type: PDF
File Size: 2.16
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator