Tip Sender App UI Kit

in Templates / Website Templates / App Templates

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Tip Sender App an app to help bartenders, waiters, and restaurant owners pay out tips. In today's society restaurants do not have enough cash on hand to pay out tips to their employees so this is an app that is designed to help the restaurant pay out tips digitally.

**Key Features**
- 31+ Premium Screens
- Compatible with Figma
- Google fonts with Avenir
- Iphone Pro / X, Iphone 8 Canvas
- 100% Scalable Vectors
- Dynamic color style

**Screen Descriptions**
- Dashboard - This is the Home screen experience for a waiter or bartender where they can see their owed tips and some general data about their tips they have earned.
- Send Tips - This is the screen a waiter, bartender would use to share tips with the other employees they work with.
- Find your restaurant - This is the screen a employee would see when they are signing up and they dont have a connection to their restaurant yet
- Request access - This is the screen an employee would see when they would like to request access to the restaurant
- Restaurant Owner - Dashboard This is the home screen experience for a restaurant owner.

**Prototype Present**
- https://www.figma.com/proto/cMpOuEt5hbftGYs14daUMU/TipSender?node-id=5%3A514&scaling=scale-down
File Size: 1.42
Vector: Yes
Dimensions: 375 x 1120
Layered: Yes
Compatible with: Adobe Illustrator, Other