Portland UI Kit

in Templates / Website Templates / UI Kits and Libraries

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**UPD: 12 Apr. 2016** Sketch version added.


**Portland** - perfect, elegant and bright UI Kit. It combines beauty and usability and it is definitely the *tool* you need in your collection!
Behance Presentation: https://www.behance.net/gallery/34186535/Portland-UI-Kit

**7 Popular Categories.**
We devided all the elements into 7 popular categories for your convenience. They are: Articles, eCommerce, Forms, Headers, Navigation, Widgets, Base Elements.

**Free Google Fonts.**
We used free google fonts, so you don't need to spend extra money using *Portland UI Kit*. Fonts used: *Montserrat & Crimson Text*

**Huge Pack of Base Elements.**
This is the difference between *Portland UI Kit* and many other UI Kits. We tried to create as many base elements as we can imagine for the most different web pages you can create.

**12 Column Bootstrap Grid with 1170px width.**
The most popular dimension and most popular grid will help to code your page easier and faster.

**Pixel Perfect.**
We were super - accurate as we were creating *Portland*. That's why this UI Kit is totally pixel perfect, very neat and clean.

**Perfect Layer Organization.**
All components are vector based, fully compatible and editable. Layers are well-organized, carefully named and grouped.

**Free Sample.**
We provided a free sample of *Portland*, so you can see how useful and beautiful it is! Download: http://getcraftwork.com/portland-ui-kit/


Also we made a short movie to show you how fast you can create beautiful and functional pages. As for example - simple eCommerce main page: https://youtu.be/2cYq-Glc1gM

**Our other products available for sale on Creative Market:**
- The Rapture Startup Framework: https://crmrkt.com/ooOOD
- The Rapture Startup UK Kit: https://crmrkt.com/7K48v
- Great Web Design Bundle: https://crmrkt.com/aVK62
- Greyhound UX Flowcharts: http://crtv.mk/z7z6
- Singleton UI Pack: http://crtv.mk/b0MJq
- Boost UI Kit: http://crtv.mk/i0JmV

Thanks for Watching!
Compatible with: Sketch, Adobe Photoshop
File Size: 346.75 MB
Dimensions: 1200 x 2000 px
DPI: 72