Deviated UI Set

in Templates / Website Templates / UI Kits and Libraries

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Deviated UI Set is a one-of-a-kind UI set which possesses unique theme and characteristics, particularly designed for the sake of design, where UX designers can have a great time to explore it! The UI Set can be used for really serious UI designing or quick prototyping.

**Description of the Item**
- 39 screens for unique use cases: productivity, entertainment, utility, e-commerce etc.
- Screens are designed at 2x resolution, with full layering and proper naming.
- Screens are designed using Photoshop grid of 10px.
- Screens are scalable.

- Attached 2 webfonts used in the design: Dripicons and Material Design Iconic Font.
- Avenir Next is the main font for content. This font is not contained in the package as you may need to purchase your own font license.

Showcase of the product on Behance:

*Have a nice day!*
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop
File Type: PSD, PNG, TTF
File Size: 50.09 MB