Turgeneva Font

in Fonts

160 1
Hi guys!!! New update 10/31/2018: Cyrillic added, and new style - black

** Hi guys! I created a new four handwritten fonts. **

- turgeneva
- turgeneva bold
- turgeneva script
- turgeneva bold with slot

*And a bonus - all fonts are in vector format.*

*Diacrtics* : ЊÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝžàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöùúûüýÿ


Uppercase / lowercase / Outlines / Numbers & Punctuation / Foreign Language Support

**USE **

Font Turgeneva
works great in any branding, films, magazines, header, logos. The different styles give you option to explore a whole host of applications, while the outline fonts give a real modern feel to any project.
**Also check my latest script and sans products:**

* *Turgeneva Script* https://crmrkt.com/z4BJPM

* *Turgeneva* https://crmrkt.com/KO1wE3

* *SVG 3d Font - Cheese* https://crmrkt.com/99ea8m

* *Orange font svg* https://crmrkt.com/Bq9o5w

* *Space badge + 3 fonts.* https://crmrkt.com/bzB4BV

* *New Year's phrases* https://crmrkt.com/VOzRbG

* *Bundle font* https://crmrkt.com/NJjK65

* *Script August 20* https://crmrkt.com/ylzWDQ

* *Brush Font Fast* https://crmrkt.com/q4grDW

* *Brush Font + Serif Font* https://crmrkt.com/wlP1WM

* *2 Fonts August 10* https://crmrkt.com/gbvwR6

Licenses :

if you have any issues regarding my file.

Please let me know through messages.

I’m glad to help you :)

Thank you !
* *More work and fulfillment processes on my instagram* https://www.instagram.com/zao4nik
File Type: EPS, OTF
File Size: 1.46 MB