12 Servers(SVG, PNG, 3 Themes)

in Graphics / Illustrations

178 1
Pre made server vector graphics for technical designs.
The .svg-Files are fully editable and come in three different flavors: Gray, Black and BlackBlue.
All the servers have a glass door and a background. All the server modules are separated and can be freely repositioned.

**=== Product Contents ===**
In this product you will find 12 servers in the three themes described above.
Additionally you will find the following pre saved PNG files(2000px):
* 12 Gray Servers
* 12 Gray Servers with doors
* 12 Black Servers
* 12 Black Servers with doors
* 12 Black/Blue Servers
* 12 Black/Blue Servers with doors

180 Files in total.

**=== Usage ===**
* IT Presentations
* Computer related designs
“ Application designs
* Big Data topics
* Building your own server farm
* Increase the calculation power of your designs
* Making bitcoin mining an art
* Boast with your technological know how
* Annoying your neighbors with a lot of “peep peep” noises
* Giving “virtual machine” a whole new meaning
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Other
File Type: PNG, SVG
File Size: 87.92 MB