Love around the world

in Graphics / Illustrations

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Couple watercolor illustrations in a beautiful valentine bundle. Perfect to create Valentines products with a vintage twist. These watercolor illustrations are in a jpg format with a resolutin of 300 DPI. Use as couple clipart with the pngs and jpgs. Perfect to create personalized wedding invitations, bridal shower invitations, and much more.

Included are 6 JPG illustrations and 6 PNG files that are ready to be used. Imagine creating gorgeous Valentine's Day invitations, engagement announcements, and wedding invitations!

high-res files designed at 300dpi. Please enjoy!!!

PERFECT FOR Valentine decorations, Valentine scrapbooking, couple invitations, wedding invitations, engagement announcements, Valentine's Day invitations, bridal shower invitations, graphic design, events, classroom activities, promotions, invitations, banners, stickers, cards, flyers, magnets, books, e-books, magazines, posters, package design, programs, postcards, scrapbooking, printables, advertising, media, social media, e-mail design, web design, ux design, accessories, home décor, textile design, jewelry, mixed media & much more!

▶ WHAT YOU WILL GET 16 Total Files (in 1 ZIP file):

6JPG files - on white background
6 PNG files - on transparent background

Shall be glad to have your advices and recomendations on [email protected].
Compatible with: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe InDesign, Other
File Type: PNG, JPG
File Size: 76.17 MB
DPI: 300